Industry News - Transportation Impact

    Quality Data: Maximizing Technology in Small Parcel Shipping

    Logistics technology has never been a more popular topic. The marketplace is filled with innovation, and the industry finally seems prepared to start taking advantage of it. Many early adopters and progressive companies already have, of course. But[…]
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    Pandemic Catapults the Role of Technology in Supply Chain

    If every cloud does indeed have a silver lining, one bright spot in the very dark cloud of the pandemic is the hurried innovation and implementation of technology all along the supply chain.
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    Three Ways to Minimize Carrier Accessorials

    Carrier accessorials can be difficult to predict and can significantly increase freight bill totals, especially when it comes to LTL shipments. These additional fees can take the form of unnecessary detention charges caused by carriers who are[…]
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    Reduce Your Shipping Costs with Logistics Technology

    Shipping rates and surcharges are still increasing, with the result that for many ecommerce companies logistics related expenses — such as shipping, packing, and storage —now account for as much as 25% of cost of goods sold (COGS). An increasing[…]
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    Three Reasons Your Freight Rates are Higher Than the Market

    Logistics managers can get complacent about their freight rates, and this is a problem. With so much else to manage in the day-to-day, it’s easy for some to assume that they’re getting “around what everyone else is paying” and that’s good enough.
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    Here’s How Logistics Technology Can Lower Your Shipping Costs

    With rising rates and surcharges, many ecommerce companies are finding that shipping has become a larger portion of product costs than it was just a few years ago. Logistics-related expenses — such as shipping, packing, and storing — can sometimes[…]
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    What Matters to Millennials When it Comes to Shipping and the USPS

    Millennials, those ages 18-34, represent a lucrative segment of the buying population to businesses. Many companies, including carriers like the U.S. Postal Service, are constantly trying to figure out how to appeal to this age group. Often[…]
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    What’s the role of EDI and APIs in Logistics?

    A popular debate happening around the logistics industry is about what’s better, EDI or API? There is no shortage of opinions on the topic being written in articles and discussed by panels at trade shows.
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    Using Logistics Technology to Improve Your Small Parcel Shipping

    There are many areas that companies can look at to reduce small parcel shipping costs and improve their shipping process. Yet, many businesses still struggle to keep their small parcel shipping costs under control, especially with so few carriers to[…]
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    Common Errors to Look Out for on Your Carrier Invoices That Are Costing You Money

    The rising cost of shipping concerns manufacturers, distributors, and other freight shippers. Matching carrier invoices to the original quoted price has become an important step in keeping shipping costs in check. Freight invoices are subject to[…]
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