SurePost Rate Increase Update from UPS

SurePost Rate Increase Update from UPS

by John Howard Posted September 2, 2020 in , , ,

UPS has made a short and to-the-point announcement regarding a rate increase for SurePost. Of note is that this increase will be in place for the upcoming peak shipping season. The increase will impact many B2C shippers during their busiest time of the year.

From the UPS website:

Effective October 18, 2020, rates for all UPS SurePost services will increase by $0.24. For greater detail, view detailed SurePost rates at the website referred to in your UPS SurePost service agreement.

The cost impact of this increase, as well as the recently announced Peak Season Surcharges, need to be understood by all small parcel shippers. Contact us at for a no-obligation analysis of your shipping spend to learn exactly how much your shipping costs will increase this year.

SurePost Rate Increase Update from UPS